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Impact dynamic characteristic of heavy wagon and its effect on lateral load of bolster(PDF)


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Impact dynamic characteristic of heavy wagon and its effect on lateral load of bolster
SUN Shu-lei1 WANG Guang-chao2 PENG Yi-qiang1 LI Ping-fei1
1. School of Automobile and Transportation, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039, Sichuan, China; 2. CRRC Qingdao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266031, Shandong, China
heavy wagon coupler friction draft gear impact dynamics coupler force bolster lateral load
A 3D dynamics model of wagon impact was built based on draft gear dynamics theory, coupler bidirectional contact method and load transfer model of wagon and bolster, the impacts under different velocities and empty/heavy wagon states were simulated, the wagon impact dynamic characteristic and its effect on the lateral load of bolster were analyzed, and the simulation result was validated by impact test. Analysis result shows that the dynamic characteristic of draft gear-coupler bidirectional contact, and the lateral load of bolster in wagon impact can be simulated by using the 3D dynamics model, and are close to the test result. The maximum errors of coupler force and bolster lateral load are less than 10% and 25%, respectively. Because the mass of empty wagon is smaller and the motions of coupler and plate change greater in wagon impact, the dynamic curve oscillation of coupler force in loaded and unloaded wagons impact is more obvious than that in loaded wagons impact, and even local peak appears. Relatively to the coupler contact model and mechanical transmission characteristics, because the model of draft gear has hysteresis characteristic, the coupler contact force in loaded wagons impact is 24% smaller than the resistance force of friction draft gear, and the value in loaded and unloaded wagons impact is 31%. The coupler force and bolster lateral load increase with the impact velocity, and the changing processes and appearing times of the maximum values are nearly consistent. The coupler force is larger between loaded wagons than between loaded and unloaded wagons under the same velocity. When the velocity is 3, 5 and 8 km·h-1, respectively, the value increases by 57%, 25% and 37%, respectively. But the bolster lateral load is opposite to the coupler force, the value decreases by 42%, 53% and 47% under the three velocities, respectively. Therefore, the connected scheduling between loaded and unloaded wagons should be strictly controlled because their impact can result in larger lateral load of bolster. 1 tab, 15 figs, 32 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14