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New method of dust removal by negative ions in construction tunnel(PDF)


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New method of dust removal by negative ions in construction tunnel
XU Shi-qiang12 REN Hong-yuan2 WANG Ming-shan2 LI Jie2
1. School of Sciences, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
tunnel engineering construction tunnel negative ion dust particle removal rate
In order to dilute the dust during the ventilation for construction tunnels, so as to speed up the construction progress, a new method of dust removal using negative ions was introduced, and the feasibility of the new method was analyzed. Using the charge theory of dust particles, the charge of dust particles was studied, and the saturated charge formula of dust particles in the external electric field of a negative ion purification system was obtained. According to the environmental characteristics of construction tunnel, the dust particles’ stress conditions were analyzed when the dust settling active forces were electric field force and gravity. The Newton’s second law was used to deduce the settlement algorithm of dust particles. The indoor test was carried out through the simulation of a tunnel environment, and the field test was carried out after the tunnel test scheme was determined via the installation parameters obtained by the indoor test. The field test results were used to analyze the accaracy of the effect and mechanism of the negative ion dust removal method and settlement algorithm. Research result shows that during a construction period, the respirable dust removal rates are 51% and 20%, respectively, with and without the negative ion purification system in the test section, and when the respirable dust concentration exceeds the permissible concentration-short term exposure limit of 8 mg·m-3 in Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Tunnel(JTG F60—2009)(standard for shot), the time durations are 1 and 12 h, respectively. The time-weighted average concentration of respirable dust reduces from 6.38 mg·m-3 to 3.10 mg·m-3 after using the system, which meets the standard’s requirement of the time-weighted average concentration not exceeding 4 mg·m-3. Therefore, the new method can quickly and efficiently purify the air during tunnel construction. The mechanism of the negative ion technology used for dust removal during tunnel construction can be explained by the charge theory of dust particles and Newton’s second law. In a similar working condition where the main dust is PM10, the dust removal times obtained by the dust settling algorithm, the indoor test and the field test are 14, 18 and 20 min, respectively. The dust settling time calculated by the dust settling algorithm should consider the comprehensive influence coefficient of 1.3-1.4. 1 tab, 17 figs, 29 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14