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Calulation of vertical earth pressure of high-fill steel corrugated pipe culvert(PDF)


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Calulation of vertical earth pressure of high-fill steel corrugated pipe culvert
WEI Rui12 CAO Zhou-yang3 GU An-quan1 XIE Yong-li1
1. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Sichuan Expressway Construction and Development Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610000, Sichuan, China; 3. School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450015, Henan, China
culvert engineering high-fill embankment steel corrugated pipe culvert vertical earth pressure calculation formula field test differential settlement
A method involving the inertia moment calculation for characterizing the wave characteristics of steel corrugated pipe was introduced. Through the Spangler pipe-soil interaction model, a computationalformula of the vertical convergent deformation of steel corrugated pipe culvert was obtained. The top fill of the pipe culvert was deemed to be a semi-infinite straight line deformation body, and the settlement of the strip foundation was inverted to assimilate the stress model of buried pipe culvert. Based on the foundation settlement calculation formula derived from the elastic mechanics, the settlement difference between the compression deformation of the soil and the vertical convergent deformation of the pipe culvert was mainly considered and the calculating formula of the vertical earth pressure of the tube culvert was derived. Taking the project of the high-fillsteel corrugated pipe culvert at the Wujiahao to Zhangjiawan Section of the Guangba-Guangshan Highway as an example, the field test of vertical earth pressure on the top of steel corrugated pipe was performed. The vertical earth pressure computed by the formula was compared with the field test value and back-calculated result using the measured settlement difference value. Research result shows that the vertical earth pressure at the top of the culvert increases with the increase of filling height. The calculated values, measured values and inverse values of the vertical earth pressure at the top of the culvert after filling to design elevation are 224.14, 221.98 and 211.33 kPa, respectively, the relative error between the calculated value and the measured value is approximately 0.9%, and the inverse values are 6.1% and 5.0% less than the calculated and test values, respectively. The results of calculation and inverse calculation are consistent with the variation rule of the measured vertical earth pressure, and the higher the fill, the more consistent are the results. The proposed calculation formula of the vertical earth pressure of high-fill steel corrugated pipe culvert is feasible because it considers the resistance coefficient and the coefficient of the foundation bed, and reflects the deformation and stress characteristics of the steel corrugated pipe culvert. 5 tabs, 11 figs, 35 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14