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Test and analysis on frost heaven effects of cold region tunnel(PDF)


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Test and analysis on frost heaven effects of cold region tunnel
ZHANG Yu-wei12 LAI Jin-xing2 QIU Jun-ling2 XIE Yong-li2
1. School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
tunnel engineering temperature field frozen depth frost heaven force field test
To investigate the distribution law of frost heaven force with time and space, the test frost heaven force was defined based on the temperature field. The change law of the frost heaven force was described by the lining pressure and steel arch stress. A new test method of frost heaven force was presented based on the temperature field, and a temperature field-frost heaven force synchronization test system was developed. Took Jichoushan Tunnel of Sichuan Provincial Highway 215 as an example, 5 test sections were set to conduct large-scale field tests, and the typical sections of K117+700(section 700 for short)and K117+600(section 600 for short)were selected to investigate the tunnel environment temperature, surrounding rock temperature, secondary lining pressure and steel arch stress. The differences in the stresses of the secondary lining and steel arch between the conditions of freezing(from December to February of next year)and unfreezing(from July to September)were defined as the test frost heaven force, and the test frost heaven force was analyzed through the temperature field. Subsequently, the theoretical frost heaven force was computed by the existing frost heaven model and compared with the field test result, and the frost heaven law of the tunnel in the cold region was studied. Analysis result shows that the tunnel environment temperature changes with time as a seasonal sine functional variation. The surrounding rock temperature affected by the environment temperature changes as a seasonal positive and negative temperature variation, and a seasonal freezing-thawing phenomenon appears. Under the negative temperature, the surrounding rock is frozen, and the supporting system is affected by the pressure of the surrounding rock and frost heaven force. The lower the temperature, the more obvious is the effect of the frost heaven. The peak value of stress of each section appears in January. The maximum stresses of lining and steel arch of section 700 are 149 kPa and 31 MPa, respectively. Under a positive temperature, the surrounding rock is unfrozen, and the supporting system is only affected by the pressure of the surrounding rock. The maximum difference of frost heaven forces among different test points on the same section can reach 5.23 MPa. It is illustrated that the frost heaven force is not only related to the temperature field, but also to the rich water condition and surrounding rock grade. The test frost heaven force is 1.25 MPa less than the calculated one. Therefore, a frost heaven force reduction coefficient of 89.17% should be considered when designing the supporting. 12 figs, 36 refs


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Last Update: 2018-07-14