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Maximum grade and length of longitudinal slope adapted to dynamic performance of six-axis articulated vehicle(PDF)


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Maximum grade and length of longitudinal slope adapted to dynamic performance of six-axis articulated vehicle
GUO Teng-feng12 ZHANG Zhi-wei12 LIU Bing3 LIU Jian-bei12 GAO Jin-sheng12
1. State Key Laboratory of Road Engineering Safety and Health in Cold and High-Altitude Regions, CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China; 2. Research and Development Center on Emergency Support Technologies for Transport Safety, CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710075, Shaanxi, China; 3. Liaoning Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110166, Liaoning, China
road engineering longitudinal slope design indicator six-axis articulated vehicle actual engine performance curve equilibrium speed
For the problem that under the same longitudinal grade, the dynamic performance of a representative(six-axis articulated)vehicle in highway freight transportation in China with full load was worse than the representative vehicle for the longitudinal slope design in Technical Standard of Highway Engineering(JTG B01—2014), the actual engine performance curves of this representative type of vehicle were obtained by combining the typical flat road test and the actual road test. The relationship between engine torque and engine rotate speed, as well as the relationship between engine power and engine rotate speed were analyzed. The relationship curves of slope grade-vehicle speed were established under different gears according to the motor vehicle motion equation. The maximum equilibrium vehicle speed under the condition of steady running, full engine load and different longitudinal grades were determined. The curves of acceleration and deceleration performance of this representative type of vehicle were gained to propose the primary longitudinal slope design indicators such as the grade and length of the longitudinal slope, which conform to the change of freight vehicle type in China. Research result shows that under the same longitudinal grade, owing to the reduction in the specific power of the representative vehicle, its equilibrium speed decreases by 20%-30% compared to the representative vehicle for the longitudinal slope design in Technical Standard of Highway Engineering(JTG B01—2014). The maximum longitudinal grade adapted to the six-axis articulated vehicle is 50% lower than that specified in the standard. Therefore, the dynamic performance of the current representative vehicle cannot adapt to highway longitudinal slope design indicators. According to the acceleration and deceleration characteristics of the six-axis articulated vehicle under different longitudinal grades, the maximum slope length satisfied the climbing demand of six-axis articulated vehicle decreases with the increase of longitudinal grade, the reduction increases gradually, and the largest reduction reaches 60%. 5 tabs, 11 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14