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Built-in temperature’s regional characteristics of cement concrete pavement and its effect on slab curling(PDF)


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Built-in temperature’s regional characteristics of cement concrete pavement and its effect on slab curling
WANG Li-juan HU Chang-bin
College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, Fujian, China
pavement engineering cement concrete pavement regional characteristic early-age built-in temperature slab curling Author resumes: WANG Li-juan(1987-) female experimentalist PhD lijuanfzu@qq.com HU Chang-bin(1974-) male professor PhD huchangbin@qq.com.
Based on the climate parameters of five Chinese regions, the distributional characteristics of built-in temperatures of cement concrete pavements in different regions with different altitudes and latitudes were studied by using the computational program of early-age temperature field of cement concrete pavement. The superposition effect of built-in temperature and ambient temperature was considered, the influence characteristics of built-in temperatures in different regions on the curling and uplifting of pavement were analyzed by using the 3D finite element program. Research result shows that slab curling is affected by the built-in average temperature and built-in temperature difference between slab’s top and bottom. Annual built-in temperature differences of cement concrete pavements in different regions present the bimodal distribution characteristics with low-wide and high-cuspidal peaks that respectively denote the distributions of negative and positive differences. Negative built-in temperature difference normally forms in the daytime, and has a large variability, which causes slab corner’s upward curling. While positive built-in temperature difference basically forms in the nighttime, and has a numerical concentration, which causes slab corner’s downward curling. The built-in temperatures of the pavements in different regions were compared, negative built-in temperature difference in the plateau area is the largest, and the high-frequency difference can reach -17.2 ℃ in Lhasa. The second one is in the north area where the high-frequency difference can reach -13.2 ℃ in Harbin. Built-in average temperature is generally negative, and its distribution is the single-peak type. The annual range of air temperature in the high latitude region is larger, which directly results in the larger variation range of built-in average temperature. High-frequency built-in average temperature in Harbin is approximately -30.4 ℃, and approximately -18.4 ℃in Lhasa. Negative built-in average temperature also causes the downward curling of slab corner, and the effect of built-in average temperature on the curling is approximately 30%-50% effect of built-in temperature difference under the same condition. Different built-in temperatures combined with local climate have difference effects on the curling and uplifting of service pavement. When the negative built-in temperature difference of -20 ℃ is added to local climate, the curling of slab increases by approximately 1.5-2.0 mm. It is suggested that pavement structure with quadrangular constraints is used in significant curling area to improve the engineering performance of the pavement. 7 tabs, 22 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-07-14