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Control of energy-reclaiming semi-active suspension with linear motor based on varying charge voltage method(PDF)


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Control of energy-reclaiming semi-active suspension with linear motor based on varying charge voltage method
CHEN Shi-an12 SUN Wen-qiang1 WANG Jian1 CAI Yu-meng1 WANG Jun-cheng1
1. School of Automotive and Traffic Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China; 2. College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Hangzhou 310018, Zhejiang, China
automobile engineering semi-active suspension energy-reclaiming actuator single phase equivalent model varying charge voltage method LQG control linear motor
To solve the difficult problems in the control of energy-reclaiming semi-active suspension(ERSAS)with linear motor as the actuator, such as complex control method and unsatisfactory control effect, a calculating method of charge voltage based on a single phase equivalent model was proposed by combining with the principle and method of varying charge voltage(VCV). The control system of ERSAS was designed to regulate the energy-reclaiming actuator with linear motor. The half vehicle dynamics model with 4 degrees of freedom and the VCV linear motor model were set up, and the LQG control strategy was used to obtain the ideal energy-reclaiming damping forces. The theoretical model with bridge rectifier was equivalent to a single phase motor model, and the back electromotive force, electromagnetic thrust coefficient, resistance and inductance of single phase motor model were calculated. The controller was solved by using the actual charge voltage, the relative speeds of front and rear suspensions and the ideal energy-reclaiming damping forces were taken as the inputs to calculate the actual charge voltage, and the energy-reclaiming control was realized by using the actuator. The suspension performances and energy-reclaiming effects were analyzed by comparing the ERSAS with the passive suspension and the ideal semi-active suspension. Analysis result shows that, compared with the passive suspension, the comprehensive performance indexes of ERSAS and ideal semi-active suspension reduce by 38.97% and 45.42%, respectively, the correlation coefficients between the actual and ideal energy-reclaiming damping forces of front and rear suspensions reach to 0.967 4 and 0.976 8, respectively, and 56.7% and 62.1% of vibration energies in the front and rear suspensions are reclaimed and stored in the battery, respectively. In summary, adopting ERSAS based on the VCV method and the single-phase equivalent model can recover most of vibration energy and improve vehicle ride performance. 6 tabs, 21 figs, 32 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-05-20