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Influence of dynamics effect on safety of cable in wreck up-righting project(PDF)


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Influence of dynamics effect on safety of cable in wreck up-righting project
JIA De-jun LI Fan-chun
Ship and Ocean Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University, Liaoning 116026, Dalian, China
ship engineering up-righting project time-domain analysis method quasi-static model dynamics effect cable tension
In order to study the influence of dynamics effect on the safety of wreck up-righting project, cable tension was introduced as the evaluation index of the safety. Four hypotheses were made, including that the hanging point of lifting arm was be fixed, the seabed in research area was rigid, the effect of superstructure was ignored, and restoring force and external loads were only considered in establishing the quasi-static model of up-righting wreck. Cable tensions, ship weight, cable stiffness, cable-winded velocity and wave loads were taken as variables. Cable tensions in wreck up-righting project were calculated by using the time-domain analysis method while considering dynamics effect. Based on the maximum calculated cable tensions, the influences of ship weight, cable stiffness, cable-winded velocity and wave loads on cable tensions were analyzed, and the safety of up-righting project was evaluated. Calculation result shows that in wreck up-righting project, the maximum cable tension increases when ship weight, cable stiffness and cable-winded velocity increase, and has linear relationship with cable-winded velocity, approximate linear relationship with ship weight, and nonlinear relationship with cable stiffness. When cable-winded velocity increases from 0.001 m·s-1 to 0.020 m·s-1, the increment of the maximum cable tension increases by 22 times, so the dynamics effect cannot be ignored in the safety evaluation of wreck up-righting project.7 tabs, 21 figs, 27 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-03-28