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Elastic-plastic solutions of bilinear strain-hardening tunnel and pile cavity based on tri-shear failure criterion(PDF)


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Elastic-plastic solutions of bilinear strain-hardening tunnel and pile cavity based on tri-shear failure criterion
ZHAO Jun-hai ZHANG Lei ZHANG Chang-guang CAO Xue-ye
School of Civil Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China
tunnel engineering thick-walled cylinder tri-shear failure criterion limit internal pressure bilinear strain-hardening model intermediate principal stress
Tunnel and pile cavity were simplified as thick-walled cylinders, the effects of strain hardening and intermediate principal stress were considered, the elastic-plastic limit solution of thick-walled cylinder under uniform internal and external pressures was deduced based on the tri-shear failure criterion and the bilinear strain-hardening model, the relationship of internal pressure and elastic-plastic radius under constant external pressure was given, and the effects of many parameters on the limit solution of thick-walled cylinder were discussed, including strengthening modulus, radius ratio, intermediate principal stress and material strength heterogeneity of tension and compression. Research result shows that the proposed solution can overcome the deficiencies of material strength heterogeneity of tension and compression ignored by Tresca and Mises yield criteria, the intermediate principal stress ignored by Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb yield criteria, as well as the abrupt changing phenomenon of slip plane in twin shear strength theory. The limit solution increases with the radius ratio and the intermediate principal stress coefficient, but decreases with the tension-compression strength ratio. The effect of external pressure on the limit internal pressure decreases with the tension-compression strength ratio. Compared with no considering strengthening modulus, when the strengthening modulus is 0.1 and the radius ratio is 2, the plastic limit internal pressure increases by more than 10%. When the radius ratio increases to 4, the plastic limit internal pressure increases by more than 38%, so the strengthening effect is more obvious. Obviously, for the material with strain hardening effect, the result analyzed by the bilinear strain-hardening model is closer to the engineering practices. When the intermediate principal stress and the strain hardening are not considered, the differences of limit expansion soil pressures calculated by the proposed solution are within 0.02% compared with the values calculated by the Vesic theory. However, when the intermediate principal stress and the strain hardening are considered and the ratio of the plastic zone radius to the inner radius is 10, the limit solutions are respectively 1.06 times and 1.81 times the values calculated by the Vesic theory. As a result, the limit expansion pressure based on the Vesic theory is too conservative. 14 figs, 30 refs.


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Last Update: 2018-03-28