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Water migration rule of loess subgrade with sand interlayers(PDF)


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Water migration rule of loess subgrade with sand interlayers
YAN Chang-gen1 ZOU Qun2 XU Yu3 WAN Qi1 SHI Yu-ling4 MA Gang-feng5
1. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, Jiangxi, China; 3. CCCC Highway ConsultantsCo., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China; 4. School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 5. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23501, Virginia, America
subgrade engineering loess subgrade water content sand interlayer model test water migration
Based on the loess subgrade of Shitian Expressway and the principle of soil water potential, laying sand interlayer in the loess subgrade was proposed to reduce the development of collapsibility water immersion. In the indoor model test, the sand interlayers were lain in the middle and bottom of loess subgrade, the seepage of top water, the infiltration of slope water and the capillarity of underground water for loess subgrade were simulated, the variation laws of water content in loess subgrade, their influence on the strength and stability of loess subgrade were analyzed, and their effect of water resistance and leakage resistance for sand interlayers was proved. Test result shows that the migration of water is rapider in initial period and slower in the middle and later periods; under the effect of ground water, the water contents of subgrade with a sand interlayer at the bottom of subgrade are 24%-27% after 32 days, but the water contents reach to 60% in middle and lower parts(0.5 m below the top surface)of pure loess subgrade, and the final influence depth of water reaches 1.2 m; under the seepage of top water, the water contents of all depths of pure loess subgrade are more than 60% after 12 days, while the water contents of loess subgrade with a sand interlayer in the middle are less than 40% at 15 cm under the interlayer(0.8 m below the surface of subgrade), and the moisture content is less than 30% at 25 cm under the interlayer. Obviously, the sand interlayers lay in middle and bottom of compacted loess subgrade can cut off the capillary water and reduce water infiltration, which can decrease the inside water content and increase the whole stability and strength for loess subgrade. 2 tabs, 22 figs, 28 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-12-20