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Optimization model signal priority time threshold of tram(PDF)


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Optimization model signal priority time threshold of tram
ZHOU Yang-fan12 JIA Shun-ping12 CHEN Shao-kuan12 WEI Wei12
1. MOE Key Laboratory for Urban Transportation Complex Systems Theory and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
rail transit tram signal priority priority strategy priority time threshold traveler delay
Vehicle delay and intersection saturation were taken as constraint conditions, early green and extended green priority strategies were used, and the model of solving signal priority time threshold of tram was built. The influence of tram length was considered, and the model was verified through real case. Analysis result shows that the priority time thresholds under early green strategy are 0-13 s, and the priority time thresholds under extended green strategy are 5-11 s. When travelers are regarded as research units, different bus numbers under non-priority phase correspond to different overall benefit curves. When vehicles are regarded as research units, different bus numbers under non-priority phase correspond to only one overall benefit curve. The critical value of bus number under non-priority phase is 16 veh, the critical value of vehicle arrival rate under non-priority phase is 0.115 pcu·s-1, and critical value of red time is 101 s. When they exceed critical values, it is not suitable to set signal priority for tram. The optimization model of signal priority time threshold of tram in this paper provides basis for giving signal priority of tram within reasonable range. 1 tab, 11 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-10-20