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Bi-level programming model of traffic microcirculation optimization for historic district(PDF)


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Bi-level programming model of traffic microcirculation optimization for historic district
WANG Qiu-ping1 DING Meng12
1. School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, Shaanxi, China; 2. Henan Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, Zhengzhou 450007, Henan, China
traffic planning historic district traffic microcirculation bi-level programming model user equilibrium model TransCAD traffic assignment
In order to fulfill the increasing traffic demand of historic district, rich streets and alleys in the district were used to organize traffic microcirculation, and a bi-level programming model of traffic microcirculation optimization for historic district was built. The up-level model was built targeting on increasing the transit efficiency of trunk roads, increasing the average travel speed of road network, deceasing bypass time and controlling environmental pollution in the constraint conditions district unblocking and historical relics protection of streets and alleys. User equilibrium traffic assignment was used to solve the down-level model by using TransCAD. The historic district of Caoshi Street in Kaifeng was taken as an example to carry out case analysis. Calculation result shows that optimization calculation makes the average saturation of trunk road decease from 0.69 to 0.36 at most, the average travel speed of road network increase from 26.33 km·h-1 to 28.87 km·h-1 at most, the average saturation of streets and alleys in the district increase from 0.07 to 0.37 at most, and bypass time and environmental pollution are controlled. Obviously, the model application relieves the traffic pressure of trunk road network and improves district accessibility and overall operating efficiency, which has good traffic benefit and environmental benefit. 4 tabs, 4 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30