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Scheduling optimization of tram operation diagram under signal passive priority condition(PDF)


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Scheduling optimization of tram operation diagram under signal passive priority condition
JIANG Zhi-bin XU Rui-hua
School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
tram operation diagram operation diagram scheduling system intersection signal passive priority integer programming
Taking rail transit line with semi-closed road right and shared road right as background, based on intersection signal passive priority controlling strategy, under the condition of given signal periods for different intersections and green light durations, the definition rule of intersection topology structure and the expression method of intersection operation diagram were studied. An integer programming model of tram timetable and intersection green light signal timing optimization was built in order to increase tram travel speed. A section of tram line in one city was taken as an example to verify the model by using timetable scheduling software. Calculation result shows that when the green light duration is 15 s, the added value of travel time is 341 s without green light signal timing optimization, the added value of travel time is only 56 s after optimization, which saves 285 s. Green light signal timing optimization has obvious effect on increasing the travel speed of tram train. Tram operation diagram with best comprehensive travel time can be drawn up based on the calculation result of the model. 6 tabs, 5 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30