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Interlayer combination state of double-layer continuous paving semi-rigid base(PDF)


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Interlayer combination state of double-layer continuous paving semi-rigid base
QIAO Zhi12 WANG Xuan-cang1 ZHANG Zhi-fang3 ZHAO Sheng4 LIU Zu-chen5 XU Zi-tao1
1. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Inner Mongolia Traffic Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Bureaut, Hohhot 010020, Inner Mongolia, China; 3. Inner Mongolia High-Grade Highway Construction and Development Co., Ltd., Hohhot 010050, Inner Mongolia, China; 4. Inner Mongolia Luqiao Co., Ltd., Hohhot 010050, Inner Mongolia, China; 5. Hulunbeier City Highway Investigation Planning Design Company Limited, Hulun Buir 021008, Inner Mongolia, China
pavement engineering semi-rigid base double-layer continuous paving interlayer bonding service life
In order to improve the service life of road base in cold area, the bonding mechanism of semi-rigid base was studied, and the direct shear mould for base layer specimen was designed. Based on the tests of tensile strength and shear strength of base layer, the influences of different paving methods on the combination effect of base layer were analyzed. By using software BISAR3.0, different interlayer friction coefficients were set, the distributions of tensile stress at the bottom of each structure were calculated under different interlayer combination states. The fatigue equations of asphalt mixture and water stable crushed stone mixture suitable for northern cold area were put forward, and the service life of pavement under double-layer continuous paving process was calculated. Calculation result indicates that when using double-layer continuous paving, the tensile property of base layer specimen increases by 1.8 times compared with traditional specimen, but only 37.9% of the tensile strength of standard specimen is achieved. There is a certain gap between double-layer continuous paving and ideal state(completely continuous). For the shear strength, the effect of double-layer continuous paving increases by 7.3 times compared with traditional paving process. The performance of road base is effectively improved by using double-layer continuous paving construction. With the increase of interlayer friction coefficient, the tensile stress at the bottom of each structure decreases. Therefore, the combination effect of semi-rigid base layer can be effectively improved by using double-layer continuous paving, which can improve the stress distribution of the bottom of layer and increase the service life of pavement structure by 16.1%-47.4%. 15 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30