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Influence of key factors in construction on pavement performances of epoxy asphalt concrete(PDF)


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Influence of key factors in construction on pavement performances of epoxy asphalt concrete
XUE Yong-chao QIAN Zhen-dong
Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China
pavement material epoxy asphalt concrete orthogonal experiment improved grey situation decision pavement performance
In order to study the comprehensive relationship between the key factors in construction and the pavement performances of epoxy asphalt concrete, the variation of key factors in construction was simulated, and the multi-index orthogonal experiment was carried out in the laboratory. The key factors included mass ratio of component A(the epoxy resin)to component B(the mixture of petroleum asphalt and curing agent)in epoxy asphalt, asphalt-aggregate ratio, aggregate gradation, molding time of concrete, molding temperature of concrete, and compaction work. The multiple indexes included high-temperature stability, low-temperature anti-cracking performance, fatigue resistance performance, water permeability, skid resistance, and moisture susceptibility. The improved grey situation decision was used to calculate the grey comprehensive relevancy between the pavement performances of every situation in orthogonal experiment and the optimal situation, and the range and the variance were analyzed by using the statistical product and service solutions(SPSS)software. Analysis result shows that the grey comprehensive relevancy of situation 4 is 0.943 7 and 0.081 1 larger than the value of situation 3, which indicates that the relational closeness between each situation and optimal situation changes significant. Based on the grey comprehensive relevancy of every situation, 18 kinds of schemes making specimens are ranked from good to bad. The range of molding time is 2.857, while the range of aggregate gradation is 1.555, and the larger difference of 1.302 between the two key factors shows that the influences of different key factors in construction on the pavement performances are different. Based on the ranges, key ranked factors are molding time of concrete, asphalt-aggregate ratio, mass ratio of component A to component B, compaction work, molding temperature of concrete, and aggregate gradation according to the influences from big to small. By comparing the average values of grey comprehensive relevancies of each level of all key factors, the determined best construction scheme is that the mass ratio of component A to component B is 1:2.9, asphalt-aggregate ratio is 6.5%, the passing rate of 2.36 mm of aggregate gradation is the median of design value, molding time is 55 min, molding temperature is 120 ℃, and compaction work is 24 times. The F test value of every key factor in variance analysis is bigger than 19, so key factors and their levels have good conspicuousness. Obviously, the improved grey situation decision can be used to effectively evaluate the pavement performances of epoxy asphalt concrete under different construction schemes, and to determine the influence degrees of key factors in construction on the pavement performances of epoxy asphalt concrete and the best construction scheme combined with the range analysis. 5 tabs, 16 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30