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Coordinated control method of ramps based on automatic tracking dynamic critical occupancy(PDF)


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Coordinated control method of ramps based on automatic tracking dynamic critical occupancy
XU Kun12 CHAI Gan3 LI Qing-quan1 GUO Jian-hua3 LI Xiao-da4
1. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China; 2. Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China; 3
traffic control queue length coordinated control method of ramp dynamic critical occupancy mainline confluence area
In order to solve the problems of traffic congestion in mainline confluence area and the on-ramp queue overspill for freeway, a coordinated control method of ramps was proposed. Based on the traffic statuses in mainline confluence area and the on-ramp queue lengths, the real-time number of coordinated control ramps was determined to improve the capacity of ramp groups and increase the vehicles merging into the bottleneck area of mainline. To improve the capacity of mainline confluence area, the dynamic critical occupancy of mainline was designed by using the real-time detection data of traffic volume and occupancy of mainline, and its variation was tracked by using the on-ramp metering rate. The heuristic rules were designed according to the relative on-ramp queue lengths to enhance the on-ramp coordinated control ability and prevent the on-ramp queue overspill. Based on Shanghai-Nanjing Freeway G42, the freeway network performance, the traffic condition of downstream mainline confluence area and the queue lengths of ramp were computed by using VISSIM simulation software to evaluate the control ability of the proposed approach. Computation result shows that compared with uncontrolled case, when the proposed method is used, the total travel time reduces by about 8.44%, and the average delay of road network reduces by about 62.97%; when the ALINEA approach is used, the total travel time reduces by about 2.85%, and the average delay of road network reduces by about 21.20%; when the linked-control approach is used, the total travel time reduces by about 6.00%, and the average delay of road network reduces by about 56.17%; when the proposed method is used, the traffic flow in mainline confluence area during congestion increases by about 540 veh·h-1, and the queue length of each ramp is more balanced. Obviously, the proposed method has good control result. 3 tabs, 12 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 2016-04-20