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Weighted PID control of battery temperature for electric vehicle(PDF)


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Weighted PID control of battery temperature for electric vehicle
QIN Da-tong HUANG Jing-ying LIU Yong-gang HU Ming-hui
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
automotive engineering regenerative braking control charging current control weighted PID control battery thermal management active control
A two degrees of freedom lumped parameter thermal model of lithium-ion battery for electric vehicle was developed. In order to obtain the real-time thermal responses of battery, the thermal model was combined with vehicle driving dynamics model. The parameters of thermal model were obtained by hybrid pulse power characterization test. The thermal responses of battery under different driving cycles were analyzed. A regenerative braking control strategy based on the weighted proportion integration differentiation(PID)method was proposed, the active control of charging current for battery was realized by adjusting the distribution coefficient of braking force for electromotor on the premise of meeting braking safety, so that the generating heat source of battery was controlled. The thermal responses of regenerative braking control strategy and traditional braking control strategy were analyzed under the typical driving cycles. Analysis result indicates that regenerative braking has definite impact to the temperature rise of battery, the greater the proportion of regenerative braking under the driving cycles is, the faster the temperature rise of battery is. The regenerative braking control strategy can effectively adjust the charging current amplitude of battery, the highest temperature of battery reduces by 2 ℃ than the traditional braking control strategy under the long downhill condition in American radical high-speed driving cycles, and the charging capacity of battery increases by 10%. Therefore, the regenerative braking control strategy can ensure the energy recovery and actively control the temperature rise of battery at the same time. 14 figs, 23 refs.


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