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Traffic signal control optimization model of over-saturated intersection based on dynamic programming(PDF)


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Traffic signal control optimization model of over-saturated intersection based on dynamic programming
LI Rui-min1 TANG Jin12
1. Institute of Transportation Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. China Center for Urban Development, Beijing 100045, China
intelligent transportation system traffic signal control dynamic programming over-saturated intersection signal timing optimization saturation
In order to satisfy the signal control demand of over-saturated intersection, an optimization model was established by using dynamic programming theory. The stages, state variables, and decision variables were redefined. The state transition equations of average queue length and controller were built. The objective functions and constraints based on different intersection saturated states were determined. The optimization framework of the model was proposed. The control objective of unsaturated states was designed as the minimum delay, and the control objectives of saturated and over-saturated states were designed as the maximum capacity. Through iteration operations, retaining or changing the current phase was decided, and the signal timing program of next stage was adjusted by the real-time feedback of control effects. Taking an intersection of Qinhuangdao City as an example, the traffic flows of unsaturated, saturated and over-saturated states were obtained based on the actual collected data. The signal timing program was obtained by using the dynamic programming model, and compared with the signal timing program obtained by using TRANSYT method. Analysis result indicates that for the unsaturated state, the average delay, saturation, and average queue length obtained by the proposed model are 49.3 s, 0.76, 13.7 veh respectively, and the corresponding values obtained by TRANSYT method are 52.0 s, 0.78, 14.4 veh, respectively. For over-saturated state, the saturation and average delay obtained by the proposed model are 0.85 and 78.5 s respectively, and the corresponding values obtained by TRANSYT method are 0.86 and 82.5 s respectively, however, the corresponding average queue length is 27.3 veh that is slight better than the optimization value 27.6 veh. The control effect of saturated state is similar to over-saturated state. Obviously, the proposed model based on dynamic programming can effectively reduce the intersection saturation and the average delay of vehicle for each import of each phase. 1 tab, 16 figs, 21 refs.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01