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Speed estimation model during lane-changing decision


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Speed estimation model during lane-changing decision
WANG Chang1 FU Rui1 ZHANG Qiong2
1. School of Automobile, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. China Communications Press Co., Ltd., Beijing 100011, China
lane-changing decision speed estimation driver perception characteristic regression analysis
In order to research the driver’s estimation characteristic for rear-vehicle speed during lane-changing decision, small passenger car was used as test platform and established by using microwave radar, vehicle CAN-bus data logger, audio-video monitoring system. 15 drivers were recruited, and the estimation test of rear-vehicle speed was carried out in a normal highway. The speeds of test vehicle were set as 60, 70, 80, 90 km·h-1 separately, and 1 625 sets of data were obtained finally. The impact characteristics of relative speed, rear-vehicle speed, and relative distance on driver’s speed estimation behavior were analyzed by using significance analysis method. A driver’s speed estimation model was established by using multiple linear regression theory, and the model was examined. Analysis result shows that 60% of absolute values of speed estimate errors are no more than 10 km·h-1, and the driver’s speed estimation error follows a normal distribution. Driver’s speed estimation error decreases with the increase of relative speed and rear-vehicle speed, when the relative speed or rear-vehicle speed is lower, rear-vehicle speed is overestimated, and when the relative speed or rear-vehicle’s speed is higher, rear-vehicle speed is underestimated. When the relative distance of vehicles increase, the driver’s speed estimation error change very small. However, when the relative distance is smaller, rear-vehicle speed is overestimated by driver. The average estimation errors of speed estimation model is -0.56 km·h-1, so the model is feasible. 3 tabs, 12 figs, 23 refs.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01