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Soil arching effect of low subgrade with pile-net structure under train load(PDF)


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Soil arching effect of low subgrade with pile-net structure under train load
WEI Jing12 WEI Ping123 YANG Song-lin12 ZHANG Dong12
1. School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Track Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 3. School of Civil and Survey Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic College, Beijing 100042, China
railway subgrade pile-net structure train load numerical analysis soil arching effect equal settlement plane
The dynamic finite element model of low subgrade with pile-net structure was built by using ABAQUS software. The reliability of the model was verified by the comparison of calculated and measured results. The distribution of dynamic stress, the vibration characteristics of pile-soil stress ratio and the height of equal settlement plane under train load were analyzed. Analysis result indicates that the maximum differences of calculated and measured values for dynamic stress and dynamic displacement at different depths of subgrade are 0.56 kPa and 7 μm respectively, the transmission trends of average dynamic stress and dynamic displacement of calculated result are similar to the measured result along the subgrade depth, so the proposed dynamic finite element model is reliable. There exists soil aching effect in subgrade under dynamic load, and the height of soil arching effect is about 1.6 m that is approximately the same with the value under static load. The stress variation ratio under dynamic load in subgrade surface is larger than the value in subgrade base, and the stress variation rate in subgrade base is extremely diminutive.The distribution of dynamic stress in subgrade under dynamic load is effected by soil arching effect, and the dynamic stress is partly transferred from soil among piles to pile top, and the phenomenon is most obvious in the cushion of subgrade. After dynamic load, in the center of subgrade, the pile-soil stress ratio of pile top to soil between two piles decreases, and the ratio among four piles increases. The pile-soil stress ratio between two piles is always larger than the value among four piles. The height of equal settlement plane of vertical section with the distance of 1 m to the center of subgrade is about 1.55 m. The height of equal settlement plane in vertical section with piles is larger than the value without piles. From subgrade center to subgrade shoulder, the height of equal settlement plane in the same vertical section decreases gradually. After dynamic loading, the height of equal settlement plane in the center of subgrade increases. 9 tabs, 12 figs, 27 refs.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01