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Comparison of selecting methods on rock sample mechanical parameters of rock bank slope(PDF)


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Comparison of selecting methods on rock sample mechanical parameters of rock bank slope
ZHOU Zhi-jun ZHANG Xing-ming FENG Jia-jia
Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
subgrade engineering rock bank slope axial compression test shear strength parameter random-fuzzy method Monte Carlo method least square method slope reliability
The axial compression tests of rock samples of typical bank slope in Anchuan Highway were carried out under natural state and water-saturated state, their deformation parameter and shear strength parameters were sampled and selected by the random-fuzzy method, the least square method and the Monte Carlo method, and the stability coefficient of typical bank slope was computed. Calculation result shows that the mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient of deformation parameter obtained by the Monte Carlo method are basically similar to the values obtained by the least square method, and the mean difference is only 0.77%. Relatively, the mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient of deformation parameter obtained by the random-fuzzy method are minimal, and the mean value is 8.60% lower than the value obtained by the least square method. In sampling and valuing of shear strength parameters, the means and variation coefficients of shear strength parameters and the corresponding safety factors of slope from small to large are obtained in turn by the random-fuzzy method, the Monte Carlo method and the least square method, and slope safety factors are 1.243 and 1.521 when the parameters are computed by the random-fuzzy method and the Monte Carlo method respectively. Compared with the Monte Carlo method, the membership function confirmed by the random-fuzzy method considers the weight effect of sample parameter, which can reflect the uncertainty of rock shear strength parameter. The safety factors of rock slope calculated by the random-fuzzy method have more engineering guiding significance. 4 tabs, 18 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01