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Permeating-chemical grouting treatment method of sulphate saline soil(PDF)


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Permeating-chemical grouting treatment method of sulphate saline soil
WANG Le-fan1 WENG Xing-zhong1 ZHANG Ren-yi1 YAO Zhi-hua1 GU Qiang-kang1 LI Wan1 LI Ye2
1. Department of Airport and Architecture Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
sulphate saline soil unsaturated soil permeating-chemical grouting ground treatment complete processing length
The soil samples with two kinds of dry densities and three kinds of salinities were selected, the adsorption-seepage experiments of pure soils to water and saline soils to barium chloride solution were carried out, the sodium sulfate contents were measured after reaction, and the complete processing lengths of sulphate saline soils were gotten by permeating-chemical grouting treatment method. The influencing factors of complete processing length were analyzed, and the correction factor of complete processing length was computed. Test result shows that the sodium sulfate content of soil sample significantly reduces because of the intelligent use of permeating-chemical grouting treatment method. Under the condition that the dry density is 1.4 g·cm-3 and the permeating-chemical grouting treatment time based on barium chloride solution is about 22 h, when the mass concentrations of sodium sulfate in soil samples are 1%, 2% and 3% respectively, the complete processing lengths of soil samples are 22, 14 and 6 cm respectively. Under the condition that the dry density is 1.6 g·cm-3 and the permeating-chemical grouting treatment time based on barium chloride solution is about 70 h, when the mass concentrations of sodium sulfate in soil samples are 1%, 2% and 3% respectively, the complete processing lengths of soil samples are 10, 6 and 6 cm respectively. Therefore, the lower the dry density and saltness of soil sample are, the better the permeating-chemical grouting treatment effect is, and the larger the complete processing length is. The complete processing length is affected by the wetting length, the concentration of barium chloride solution, soil saltness and the increment of water content in soaking section, and the computational correction factor of complete processing length is 0.53. 2 tabs, 14 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01