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Control method of probability of adequate depth ensuring navigation safety of depth model(PDF)


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Control method of probability of adequate depth ensuring navigation safety of depth model
JIA Shuai-dong12 ZHANG Li-hua12 PENG Ren-can12 WANG Tao12 DONG Jian12
1. Department of Hydrography and Cartography, Dalian Naval Academy, Dalian 116018, Liaoning, China; 2. Hydrographic Surveying and Mapping Laboratory, Dalian Naval Academy, Dalian 116018, Liaoning, China
depth model probability of adequate depth quantitative control uncertainty triangulated irregular network
Considering the drawback of charted depth in ensuring the navigation safety currently, a control method of probability of adequate depth was proposed, thus the navigation safety of depth model was ensured. The surface of triangulated irregular network(TIN)-based depth model was constructed based on the mark point of charted depth, and the common formula for calculating the depth of model surface at arbitrary position was deduced. Considering the influence of uncertainty of depth source data on navigation safety, the influence of representation uncertainty of depth model at arbitrary position was analyzed quantitatively. The uncertainty was appended on the model point to control the influence of representation uncertainty, and the probability of adequate depth of depth model was controlled to meet the required value. On the charts with the scales of 1:2 000, 1:5 000, 1:10 000, 1:50 000, respectively, the proposed surface control method was verified and compared with traditional method and point control method. Analysis result indicates that the acceptable rates of probability of adequate depth controlled by using surface control method on the charts are respectively 51.72%, 49.37%, 38.71%, 28.39% higher than the rates by using traditional method, and are 4.10%, 5.00%, 5.06%, 9.65% higher than the rates by using point control method. When the scale decreases, the acceptable rates of probability of adequate depth controlled by traditional method increase, and the rates by using point control method decrease, however, the rates by using surface control method are always 100% for both considering the uncertainty of source data and the representation uncertainty of depth model. The probability of adequate depth controlled by surface control method meets the required value(97.5%), but traditional method and point control method cannot satisfy the demand, which demonstrates the advantages of surface control method. 3 tabs, 9 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-10-20