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Time correction method of asynchronous cameras inroad monitoring system(PDF)


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Time correction method of asynchronous cameras inroad monitoring system
LIANG Hua-gang CHENG Jia-le SUN Xiao-nan RU Feng
School of Electronics and Control Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
intelligent transportation system road monitoring system machine vision asynchronous cameras time correction epipolar geometry corresponding frame matching
In order to improve the reduction accuracy of traffic incident, a high accuracy time correction method of traffic scene 3D reconstruction was proposed based on binocular epipolar geometry relationship. The frame sequences of multiple asynchronous cameras were analyzed, and the time correction model of asynchronous cameras was established. In order to correct the time error of multiple asynchronous cameras, corresponding frame time synchronous matching was carried out by using the epipolar geometry constraints and the constraint principle of minimum distance from point to pole line. The shooting system composed of 2 asynchronous cameras was built, the time matching error of corresponding frame was analyzed. The time error of start frame in video sequences was estimated, and the recovery of high precision dynamic scenes was realized. High-speed moving vehicle was simulated by using flashing LED, and the range of time error was estimated. In order to further validate the effectiveness of the method in actual road environment, four cameras were used to shoot the video sequences of freefall ball, the comparative tests were respectively carried out by using time correction method based on similarity discrimination and the proposed method. Test result indicates that when the exposure time of camera is 1/30 s, and the cycle of high-speed flashing light with is 6.59 ms, the time error range of start frame is from 0 to 6.59 ms, the corresponding frames ratio is above 88.1%. Compared with the time correction method based on similarity discrimination, the proposed method performs well. Compared with the several traditional time correction methods, the accuracies of time error matching and the 3D reconstruction of asynchronous cameras in road monitoring system are significantly improved. 2 tabs, 14 figs, 20 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-08-30