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Temperature distribution of friction plate for dry clutch(PDF)


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Temperature distribution of friction plate for dry clutch
WANG Yang-yang12 LIU Xi2
1. Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 2. School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
automotive engineering dry clutch temperature distribution thermal distortion friction transfer torque slipping friction power instantaneous impact engagement frequent engagement
In view of the thermal failure of dry clutch in automobile transmission process, the temperature distribution of friction plate was studied. Based on the working principle of dry clutch, the clutch engagement model including its active and driven parts, friction surface pressure and friction coefficient was established. Combined with axial elastic element characteristics and release bearing structure characteristics that the contact surface of diaphragm spring rotates and the contact surface of separated forked plectrum does not rotate, an annular pressure sensor was fixed on the contact surface of separated forked plectrum, and the real-time friction pressure of clutch was estimated. Based on the dry clutch test bench and the friction coefficient model of dry clutch, the friction transfer torque and slipping friction power on the continuous operation of 400 s were estimated. The heat load of friction surface of dry clutch was calculated based on three kinds of boundaries including heat absorption from environment, heat producing by friction, and heat dissipation in convection. The thermal distortions of friction plate in 2 conditions were analyzed, including instantaneous impact engagement and frequent engagement. Analysis result shows that in the condition that the time instantaneous impact engagement is 2 s, the maximum heat distortion of friction plate can reach 0.188 mm, and the temperature of friction plate rises obviously. In frequent engagement condition, the temperature distribution of friction plate mainly depends on the second boundary of slipping friction heat load before 200 s of clutch engagement, and it depends on the second and the third boundary of convective heat after 200 s of clutch engagement. 11 figs, 26 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-08-30