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Seismic response of segmented metro tunnel with flexible joints passing through ground fissures(PDF)


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Seismic response of segmented metro tunnel with flexible joints passing through ground fissures
LIU Ni-na12 LIU Jun-tao3 HUANG Qiang-bing12 HAN Dong-dong1 BULUT Rifat4
1. School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Western Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 3. Shaanxi Huashan Road and BridgeEngineering Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710016, Shaanxi, China; 4. School of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 74078, Oklahoma, USA
metro tunnel earthquake load active ground fissures coupling loads seismic response
Earthquake load and site settlement near ground fissures were simulated by shaking table model test. The dynamic responses were studied in sectional metro tunnel with flexible joints passing through active ground fissures. The characterises of uneven settlements, crack development, tunnel accelerations, earth pressures and sectional tunnel strains were studied. Analysis result shows that the site cracks and uneven settlement resulted from the coupling load of site settlement and earthquake load mainly distribute around flexible joints. Each part movement of tunnel with flexible joints is independent. The tunnel located in hanging wall has 3.2 times peak acceleration of the value in foot wall. The soil pressures near the ground fissure are larger. The soil pressure in hanging wall is 6.7 times of the value in foot wall under the coupling load. The strains at the middle of tunnel arch are bigger, the strains at the bottom of the floor are secondary, and the strains on the top of the arch are less. The strain rate of each section decreases because flexible joints are designed in metro tunnel, and the strains increase little near the ground fissures. The result indicates that the flexible joints can decrease the site deformation and stress concentration of metro tunnel in ground fissure area under the coupling load of site settlement and earthquake load. 2 tabs, 17 figs, 22 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-08-30