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Setting method of raised pavement marker interval at line section of freeway(PDF)


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Setting method of raised pavement marker interval at line section of freeway
LIANG Guo-hua YAO Guang-peng LI Kai-lun DENG Han-yue LIANG Kang WANG Yu-chen
School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
traffic planning freeway line section raised pavement marker flash frequency vibration simulation
Based on the driver’s visual inertia, visual warning frequency and feeling feature, the visual warning effect of raised pavement marker was analyzed, the flash frequency of raised pavement marker was determined, and the initial interval of raised pavement marker was calculated and corrected.By using the simulation software module ADAMS/Car, the simulation models of road, vehicle and raised pavement marker were built, vehicle type was set as truck and car, the speed of truck was set as 60, 80, 100 km·h-1 respectively, the speed of car was set as 80, 100, 120 km·h-1 respectively, and the steering wheel angles of truck and car were set as 1°, 3°, 5° respectively. The simulation times were 243 for the calculated 12 m-interval and 15 m-interval recommended in the current specification respectively, and the warning effect was analyzed. Simulation result shows that under the 12 m-interval condition, the average crushing rate is 93.1%, and the average warning rates for car and truck are 41.7% and 5.6% respectively.Under the 15 m-interval condition, the average crushing rate is 93.7%, and the average warning rates for car and truck are 33.3% and 28.9% respectively.Both two intervals have good vibration warning effect on cars, 15 m-interval has a better vibration warning effect on trucks than 12 m-interval. When there is a great traffic flow at night or the safe effect of traffic equipment need to be enhanced at night, 12 m-interval can be chosen to provide a good visual continuity and visual warning effect. When the convenience and economy of construction and maintenance are considered or there is a higher percentage of trucks in traffic flow, 15 m-interval can be chosen. 3 tabs, 14 figs, 18 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-06-20