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Importance measure of aircraft anti-icing cavity stucture parameters(PDF)


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Importance measure of aircraft anti-icing cavity stucture parameters
ZHANG Feng1 YAO Hui-ju12 NAN Hua13 LU Cheng-cheng14
1. School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, Shaanxi, China; 2. Jiangnan Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Design, Guiyang 550009, Guizhou, China; 3. AVIC Lanzhou Wanli Electro-Mechanical Inc, Lanzhou 730700, Gansu, China; 4. Shanghai Aircraft Designand Research Institute, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd., Shanghai 201210, China
aircraft anti-icing cavity structure heat transfer efficiency importance measure stochastic response surface method low dispersion sampling method
The three common aircraft anti-icing cavity structures were analyzed, the grid model of anti-icing cavity structure with double skins was set up by using Gambit software. The flowing condition of heat in anti-icing cavity structure was simulated by using Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model, the heat transfer efficiency was analyzed with Fluent software, and the importance measure model of anti-icing cavity structure on heat transfer efficiency was built. The function relationship between structure parameters and heat transfer coefficient for anti-icing cavity was established by using the stochastic response surface method, the low dispersion sampling method was used to solve the importance measure, and the analysis process of importance measure for anti-icing cavity structure parameters was set up. Analysis result shows that when the distance between piccolo tube center and outer skin increases from 35.15 mm to 38.85 mm, the heat transfer coefficient reduces from 0.505 to 0.463. When the channel height of double skins increases from 2.85 mm to 3.15 mm, the heat transfer coefficient reduces from 0.495 to 0.476. When the jet hole diameter increases from 1.90 mm to 2.10 mm, the heat transfer coefficient reduces from 0.505 to 0.494. When the jet hole angle increases from 14.25° to 15.75°, the heat transfer coefficient increases from 0.476 to 0.494. The importance order of anti-icing cavity parameters is the jet hole angle, the distance between piccolo tube center and outer skin, the jet hole diameter, the channel height of double skins. In the machining and assembly process of anti-icing cavity structure, the jet hole angle and the distance between piccolo tube center and outer skin are mainly considered. 2 tabs, 12 figs, 27 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-06-20