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Mechanical properties of ten thousand-ton class cable-stayed bridge in rotation construction process(PDF)


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Mechanical properties of ten thousand-ton class cable-stayed bridge in rotation construction process
WANG Li-feng1 WANG Er-qiang1 SUN Yong-cun2 HE Dong-po1 GE Jun-ying3
1. School of Civil Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China; 2. Liaoning Provincial Communication Planning and Design Institute, Shenyang 110005, Liaoning, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, Hebei, China
bridge engineering cable-stayed bridge rotation construction spatial stress mechanical property horizontal rotation constant rotation accelerated rotation
In order to reveal the mechanical properties of each component of cable-stayed bridge in rotation construction process,the 3D numerical simulation model of the first domestic single-point flat-hinge cable-stayed bridge of China was built, and was verified by using the measured data. The angular acceleration of cable-stayed bridge in rotation construction process was deduced according to the theory of rigid body rotation around a fixed axle. In view of two typical construction stages of accelerating rotation and uniform rotation, the stress states of main girder, tower, pier, bracket, shaft and dial were researched. In the rotation process of cable-stayed bridge, the influence laws of angular velocity and angular acceleration on bridge stress were revealed, and the reasonable construction angular velocity and angular acceleration were calculated. Calculation result indicates that in the process of uniform rotation, the normal stress change of control section is approximately direct proportional to the square of angular velocity. When the measured angular velocity is 0.01 rad·min-1, the maximum stress changing value of control section is only -2.00 Pa. In the process of accelerating rotation, the stress of main girder cross section presents skew symmetric distribution along the center line of main girder, and when the measured angular acceleration is 6.5×10-3 rad·s-2, the stress changing value of tower root solid section at lower edge is -3.33 MPa, and the stress changes significantly. In the process of accelerating rotation, start from the bracket bottom, the torque of each pier cross section along the height direction decreases. So in the process of uniform rotation, the influence of angular velocity on the stress of main girder section may be ignored. In the process of accelerating rotation, in order to ensure the construction safety and shorten the rotation time, the rotation angular acceleration of cable-stayed bridge should be limited. 4 tabs, 19 figs, 25 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-06-20