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Influence of intermediate principal stress coefficient on character of soft clay under rotation of principal stress axes(PDF)


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Influence of intermediate principal stress coefficient on character of soft clay under rotation of principal stress axes
LIU Yan-hua XIE Yong-li
School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
subgrade engineering soft clay hollow cylinder apparatus intermediate principal stress coefficient rotation of principal stress axes stress-strain relationship peak shear strength
A series of undrained shear tests were carried out on Shanghai undisturbed soft clay by using hollow cylinder apparatus. Under the rotation of principal stress axes, the influence of intermediate principal stress coefficient on the deformation and strength character of saturated soft clay was researched. The hollow thin-walled samples of soft clay were consolidated under isotropic consolidation modes. Under 3 kinds of rotation angles of principal stress axes, a series of undrained shear tests were carried out with different intermediate principal stress coefficients. During the shear tests, the deviator stress increased until the sample was destroyed, while average stress, intermediate principal stress coefficient and the rotation angle of principal stress axes remained unchanged. Test result indicates that the deformation behavior and strength character of natural soft clay were obviously different under different intermediate principal stress coefficients. The critical stress ratio and undrained shear strength decrease with the increase of intermediate principal stress coefficient under the three kinds of rotation angles of principal stress axes. When the rotation angle of principal stress axes is 0°, the shear stresses of samples with the intermediate principal stress coefficients of 0.25 and 0.50 decrease after arriving the peak values because of slight strain localization. When the rotation angle of principal stress axes is 90°, and intermediate principal stress coefficients are 0.50 and 0.75, the peak values of shear strength are similar, and the sample states are non-axisymmetrical tensile with unequal inner and outer pressure. Moreover, when the intermediate principal stress coefficient is 1.00, comparing with the coefficients of0.50 and 0.75, the peak shear strength decreases by 25%, and the sample states are axisymmetrical tensile with equal inner and outer pressure. If the equal internal and external pressures are applied, when the rotation angle of principal stress axes increase from 0° to 90°, the intermediate principal stress coefficient increase from 0 to 1.00, and the critical stress ratio of samples and undrained shear strength decrease. 2 tabs, 8 figs, 20 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-06-20