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Sales process optimization model of voyage capacity for container line(PDF)


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Sales process optimization model of voyage capacity for container line
YIN Ming1 SHI Heng2 KIM K H3
1. School of Transport and Communications, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2. School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China; 3. School of Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
container transportation revenue management species evolution symbiosis theory slot inventory pricing
On the basis of species evolution and symbiosis theory, the Cobb-Douglas production function was used to describe the whole demand of shipping market, the purchasing behavior of customer was taken as starting point, the maximum revenue was taken as the operation target of container line, the carrying capacity and freight rate based on time series were taken as decision variables, and the sales process optimization model of voyage capacity for container line was set up. The algebraic transformation means such as Taylor formula and least square method were employed to transform nonlinear programming problem to linear programming problem. The calibration and sensitivity analysis of key parameters were carried out, and MATLAB software was used to perform the simulation verification. Simulation result indicates that when the carrying capacity of single line is 104 TEU, the container line can sell 7 534-9 966 TEU and obtain 1 233 158-12 915 936 USD by using the regular sales scheme. By using the proposed model, the container line can sell 9 915 TEU and obtain 15 111 975 USD, and the revenue increases by 17% at least. When the carrying capacities of two lines are both 104 TEU, the two lines can sell 9 920, 9 947 TEU and obtain 14 241 771, 9 737 528 USD respectively by using the proposed model, and Nash equilibrium is achieved. When the carrying capacities of three lines are all 104 TEU, the three lines can sell 8 289, 5 526, 6 034 TEU and obtain 6 755 755, 6 119 906, 4 377 758 USD respectively by using the proposed model, and Nash equilibrium also is achieved. Obviously, the proposed model can describe the sale situations of voyate capacities for multi-container lines and exhibit the significant optimization effect. 1 tab, 18 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-04-30