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Optimization model of distribution network with multiple distribution centers and multiple demand points considering traffic flow change(PDF)


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Optimization model of distribution network with multiple distribution centers and multiple demand points considering traffic flow change
YANG Zhong-zhen MU Xue ZHU Xiao-cong
School of Transportation Management, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, Liaoning, China
traffic planning road network vehicle routing problem traffic flow distribution routing user equilibrium model hybrid grouping
Based on the structure of urban road network and the characteristic of traffic flow, the minimum total distribution time was taken as objective function, the traffic flow was taken as constraint condition, and the optimization model of bi-level distribution network was developed. The distribution routing of distribution vehicle was calculated by using the upper model, the lower model was user equilibrium traffic assignment model, the OD trip data in the lower model could be changed by using the calculation result of upper model, and the transit time of road section in the upper model could be changed by using the calculation result of lower model. The hybrid grouping, genetic algorithm and Frank-Wolf algorithm were used to solve the bi-level optimization model, and example verification was carried out through a traffic network with 31 traffic zones, 27 demand points and 4 distribution centers in Dalian City. Calculation result shows that when the distribution plan is obtained through the minimum distance method, the total distribution distance for 27 demand points is 94.8 km, the total distribution time is 425.2 min, and the calculation time is 13 s. Using the bi-level optimization model with the consideration of traffic flow change, the total distribution distance for 27 demand points is 109.7 km, the total distribution time is 329.1 min, and the calculation time is 256 s. After using the bi-level optimization model, the total distribution distance increases 14.9 km, but the total distribution time decreases 96.1 min, the mutual balance process of distribution vehicles and other vehicles can one-off reaches, the calculation speed and efficiency are not the most important factors, and the calculation result more in line with the actual situation can be gotten. 1 tab, 10 figs, 22 refs.


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Last Update: 2015-02-25