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Complementary ventilation modes of extralong highway tunnel(PDF)


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Complementary ventilation modes of extralong highway tunnel
XIA Feng-yong1 XIE Yong-li1 WANG Ya-qiong12 HU Yan-jie3
1. School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Department of Civiland Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg 24061, Virginia, USA; 3. CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430056, Hubei, China
tunnel engineering extralong highway tunnel complementary ventilation operation modes calculation model ventilation volume
A ventilation calculation model of complementary ventilation system for highway tunnel was established, its calculation program was designed, and the operation modes of complementary ventilation system for Dabieshan Extralong Highway Tunnel were studied. Full-jet longitudinal ventilation mode, single U-type ventilation mode and double U-type ventilation mode were put forward, and their conversional control conditions were analyzed. The functions of two cross ventilation passages in the tunnel were studied. The pollutant concentrations in the operational state of the tunnel were tested and compared with the result calculated by the model. Analysis result shows that the operation modes of complementary ventilation system for Dabieshan Extralong Highway Tunnel are flexible and practical. When the traffic volume of uphill tunnel is less than 11 500 pcu·d-1, full-jet longitudinal ventilation mode is used only. When the traffic volume is within 11 500-14 100 pcu·d-1, single U-type ventilation mode is used only. When the traffic volume is within 14 100-18 255 pcu·d-1, double U-type ventilation mode is used. The main function of cross ventilation passage near to the entrance of uphill tunnel is to reduce the ventilation volume and speed of uphill tunnel, while the main function of cross ventilation passage away from the entrance of uphill tunnel is to reduce the pollutant concentration of uphill tunnel. When double U-type ventilation mode is used, the ventilation volume of cross passage near the entrance of uphill tunnel reduces, which results in that the energy consumption and operating cost of ventilation system decrease. The absolute values of relative errors between the calculation result and the test result are less than 10%, so the proposed model has high precision and can be applied to the calculation of complementary ventilation. 15 tabs, 4 figs, 21 refs.


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Last Update: 2014-12-20