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Concept, architecture and challenging technologies of ubiquitous traffic information service system(PDF)


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Concept, architecture and challenging technologies of ubiquitous traffic information service system
ZHAO Xiang-mo HUI Fei SHI Xin MA Jun-yan YANG Lan
School of Information Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China
intelligent transportation systems traffic information service ubiquitous network system architecture challenging technologies
The limited awareness abilities, simple service modes and long delays of updating dynamic information of most existing traffic information service systems were analyzed. A novel framework of ubiquitous traffic information service system(U-TISS)was proposed based on the current TISSs, and the research and development tendencies of traffic engineering and information science. U-TISS integrated advanced cooperative sensing, ubiquitous network, cloud computation and big data to realize the deep fusion between TISSs and traffic cyber physical systems. The architecture of U-TISS mainly consisted of four layers, including sensing, network, computation and service. In sensing layer, a comprehensive sensing on pedestrians, vehicles, roads and environments were carried out by sensors, RFIDs, readers, cameras, GPS, vehicle intelligent terminals, etc. In network layer, peripheral communication and carrying network communication were implemented, such as ZigBee, bluetooth, DSRC, 3G/4G, and wired link, and an accurate capture and release system was built to timely collect and transmit traffic information by short-range communication between roads and cars, self-organizing network, and carrying network between roadsides and monitor centers. In computation layer, cloud computation extracted traffic information effectively to enhance the service quality of traffic information. In service layer, a service platform was constructed based on ubiquitous network and cloud computation. Its information was released timely by mobile intelligent terminals, vehicular terminals, information broadcasts and variable signal boards, and the auxiliary decision support was provided to realize the intelligentization and individuation of information service. The key technologies of U-TISS implementation were analyzed, including pervasive sensing and interaction of smart devices, accurate measurement of vehicle position and orientation, cooperative sensing of traffic information with road side units, communication and networking of vehicle-to-vehicle/vehicle-to-infrastructure, on-board mobile internet, traffic information management in the cloud, analysis and excavation of traffic big data, and information security and privacy protection. Analysis result shows that the characteristics of U-TISS are ubiquitous sensing, open interconnection, real-time transmission, deep mining and high quality service, and can improve the service level of TISS in safety, high efficiency, convenience and environmental protection. In term of safety, wireless communication and networking technology provide drivers with multi-scale tempo-spatial traffic information beyond the line of sight and the sensing capability of vehicles. In term of high efficiency, ubiquitous sensing of massive traffic information and big data analysis based on cloud computing techniques can achieve the efficient operation of transportation systems with refinement of management. In term of convenience, the public can get personalized and customized travel information through smart devices. In term of environmental protection, vehicle control systems can be optimized by the information of driving environment, and the awareness of eco-driving behaviors can be raised by big data and social network, so that green travel is realized. With the breakthrough of key technologies and the issuing of related standards and norms, the innovation and change of business mode will occur in the field of traffic information service, which will lead to collaborative intelligent transportation. 5 tabs, 2 figs, 36 refs.


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Last Update: 2014-08-30