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Antiwear property measuring method of lubricant based on wear scar detection(PDF)


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Antiwear property measuring method of lubricant based on wear scar detection
XIAO Mei1 ZHANG Lei1 HAN Guang1 YANG Jing-shuai1 LIU Long2
1. School of Automobile, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Automationand Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, Shaanxi, China
lubricant antiwear property image segmentation wear scar detection diameter measurement gradient four-ball test
In order to measure the antiwear property of lubricant, a measuring method of steel ball wear scare diameter was presented based on gradient information. Because of steel ball wear scar region had rich and same direction wear scars, the texture gradient images of wear scar were extracted by using four direction gradient template. The steel ball wear scare region was automatically separated from the wear scar texture gradient image by the processings of binary, close operation, removing sporadic regions and filling holes. The equivalent diameter of wear scar region was obtained by using the calculated wear scar region area of steel ball. The antiwear properties of lubricant were fast measured through the calculated wear scar diameter. Qualitative and quantitative tests were carried out to the wear scar detection result, and the result was also compared with the traditional microscope measurement result. Analysis result indicates that the wear scar area of extraction method is complete and the edges are clear. The average error of traditional microscope measurement method is 4.015%, the average error of extraction method is 0.073%,so the extraction method has high measurement accuracy. 1 tab, 3 figs, 15 refs.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30