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Calculation method of accurate wheel-rail contact relationship of worn wheel tread


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Calculation method of accurate wheel-rail contact relationship of worn wheel tread
GAN Feng DAI Huan-yun GAO Hao
State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China
wheel-rail contact relationship quasi-elastic contact rigid contact equivalent conicity wheel-diameter difference tread wear TPLWRSim
Base on wheel-rail rigid contact, a calculation method of quasi-elastic contact was presented. TPLWRSim software was developed based on the contact method to calculate the wheel-rail contact relationships of standard and worn tread of high-speed EMU respectively, and the calculation results were compared with the results of SIMPACK software. Analysis result indicates that the maximum modified value of quasi-elastic contact point abscissa for standard S1002CN tread is 5.26 mm, and the value is 11.10 mm for worn tread. For standard LMA tread, the maximum modified value is 3.82 mm, and the value is 13.14 mm for worn tread. Wheel-rail quasi-elastic contact relationships calculated by TPLWRSim and SIMPACK are basically identical. Wheel-rail quasi-elastic contact can better change the characteristic of rigid contact with sharp, discontinuity and large dispersion contact point, and makes the contact point more smooth and continuous. The calculation result can be used for the track test of worn tread, and will have very good practicality. 5 tabs, 13 figs, 21 refs.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30