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Assessment of weathering degree and road performance test of weathered rock as subgrade filling(PDF)


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Assessment of weathering degree and road performance test of weathered rock as subgrade filling
GUO Yin-chuan SHEN Ai-qin GAO Tao LI Wei-guang
Key Laboratory for Special Region Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, Shaanxi, China
subgrade engineering subgrade filling weathered rock weathering degree weathering characteristic index evaluation index grading standard
Four kinds of typical weathered rocks were selected. Their gradation compositions, compaction parameters and fragmentation properties were analyzed. The affecting factors of long-term stability of weathered rock were researched. Water-temperature cycle test method was developed to simulate the natural weathering of subgrade filling. The influence of weathering degree on CBR(California bearing ratio)and water-temperature sensitivity and the influence of water-temperature cycle effect on the properties of weathered rock were researched. Combining physical and chemical weathering evaluation methods, weathering characteristic index was proposed to evaluate the weathering degree. The correlations between weathering characteristic index and road performances of weathered rock were analyzed. The grading standard of the weathering degrees based on the road performances was established. Analysis result shows that when the weathering degree increases, the mechanics performances and water-temperature sensitivity of weathered rock reduce. The long-term road performances of weathered rock can be distinguished by using water-temperature cycle test method. The determination coefficients between weathering characteristic index and road performances are greater than 0.85, so their correlations are good, and the index is available to judge the weathering degree and road performances of weathered rock. When the weathering characteristic index is 0.78, after 18 months, the maximum settlement of test road with weathered rock subgrade is 7.8 cm, so its road performances are well.7 tabs, 24 figs, 16 refs.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30