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Urban public traffic assignment algorithm under influence of transfer behavior(PDF)


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Urban public traffic assignment algorithm under influence of transfer behavior
ZENG Ying12 LI Jun12 ZHU Hui12
1. School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Service Science and Innovation of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China
traffic planning public traffic assignment transfer behavior improved logit model public traffic route route impedance
Aiming at the work and life modes and the particularities of public traffic networks of big cities in China, the public traffic trip behaviors of residents in Chengdu City were taken as study object, and the generalized public traffic route which could accord with the route choice behavior of passenger was put out. By considering the section impedance and station impedance during the public traffic trip, the impedance function of public traffic route was set up, and the determination method of effective path was proposed. Based on the improved logit model, a route choice model under the influence of transfer behavior was established. The part public traffic network of Chengdu City was taken as an example, the example verification was carried out by using proposed assignment algorithm. Analysis result indicates that when the minimum departure intervals of four designate public traffic lines during peak period are 4, 4, 3, 3 min respectively and all the maximum departure intervals during non-peak period are 10 min, the minimum and maximum transfer walking times are 0, 6 min respectively. When the maximum impedance and minimum impedance are 71.5, 51.5 min respectively, the riding times are 60, 48 min respectively, the route choice ratios are 5.53%, 41.98% respectively. When the maximum impedance and minimum impedance are 52.5, 48.5 min respectively, the riding times are 42, 39 min respectively, the route choice ratios are 13.40%, 62.07% respectively. When the transfer behavior is considered, the maximum relative error, the minimum relative error and the average relative error of assignment results and actual values are 16.46%, 11.09%, 14.42% respectively. When the transfer behavior is not considered, the maximum relative error, the minimum relative error and the average relative error are 34.37%, 11.38%, 23.15% respectively. The public traffic assignment result considering transfer behavior is in accord with actual situation. 2 tabs, 10 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 2013-08-30