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Equilibrium assignment model of integrated transit network(PDF)


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Equilibrium assignment model of integrated transit network
LI Shu-qing1 LI Zhe1 ZHU Wen-ying2
1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China
traffic planning integrated transit network equilibrium assignment trip impedance rail transit transfer
The traffic characteristics of integrated transit network were analyzed, the impacts of trip time and cost on trip impedances were studied based on the path features of integrated transit network. By considering the impact of passenger flow density on walking speed and the conversion relation between travel cost and time, the section impedance, node impedance and cost impedance were transformed to time, and the trip impedance function of integrated transit network was set up. By using Wardrop equilibrium theory, an equilibrium assignment model was established, and the model was solved according to FW algorithm. Computation result indicates that when the lengths of bus transit and rail transit are 57.3, 16.2 km respectively, the ratio of passenger flow volume by rail transit and total passenger flow volume is 65.4%, and 55.4% passengers get access to rail transit system through transfer. So by constructing reasonable integrated transit network, the total trip impedance reduces and the transportation efficiency of transit network improves. 4 tabs, 5 figs, 18 refs.


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Last Update: 2013-03-30