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Stability analysis of rock slope based on improved Sarma method(PDF)


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Stability analysis of rock slope based on improved Sarma method
ZHOU Zhi-jun1 NIU Yong1 ZHANG Tie-zhu2
1. Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. Yunnan Highway Development and Investment Co., Ltd., Kunming 650200, Yunnan, China
subgrade engineering rock slope safety stability factor critical acceleration coefficient Sarma method mechanical model
The glide of simple heterogeneous rock slope was taken as research object, a mechanical model based on Sarma method was built. According to the static equilibrium condition of rock slope block, the relationship between critical acceleration coefficient and lateral normal pressure was got. The formula of critical acceleration coefficient was deduced, and the safety stability factor of slope under the condition of seismic intensity was got. The function relationship between safety stability factor and critical acceleration coefficient was analyzed, and the traditional Sarma method was improved by using the function relationship. Calculation result shows that the function relationship between safety stability factor and critical acceleration coefficient is monotone decreasing. Compared with the traditional Sarma method, the improved Sarma method does not need iteration, and does not exist convergence problem. The calculation number of example is only 6, and the calculation result meets requirement. 1 tab, 3 figs, 12 refs.


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Last Update: 2013-03-30