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Influence of vehicle overloading on service life of highway(PDF)


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Influence of vehicle overloading on service life of highway
ZHANG Wei1 ZHANG Yi-min2 WEI Lang1 DUAN Xiang3 CHEN Jia-hong3
1. Key Laboratory for Automotive Transportation Safety Technology of Ministry of Transport, Chang' an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Automobile, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 3. Yunnan Traffic Consulting Co., Ltd., Kunming 650031, Yunnan, China
service life of highway pavement roughness overloading wheel load dynamic load axle load
The relationship between axle load and the service life of highway was analyzed. Based on the frequency domain model and time domain model of pavementroughness, vehicle dynamics model with four degrees of freedom was set up. Numerical simulation calculation was carried out by using Mathcad software, and the maximum dynamic loads of front and rear wheels under different conditions were obtained. The relationships among wheel dynamic load and vehicle velocity, wheel load and overloading, wheel load impact factor and overloading were analyzed respectively, the actual service lifes of highway under different conditions were forecasted. Analysis result shows that there are linear increasing relationships between wheel dynamic load and vehicle velocity, wheel load impact factor and vehicle velocity. When vehicle velocity increases from 10 km·h-1 to 100 km·h-1, wheel dynamic load increases by 2.5-3.1 times, and wheel load impact factor increases by 17%-20%. Overloading decreases wheel load impact factor, but increases the real maximum wheel load greatly. Under the condition of overloading 100%, the actual service life of highway will decrease by 96% while the bottom layer tensile stress of asphalt layer is taken as design index, and the actual service life of highway will decrease by 99% while the bottom layer tensile stress of semi-rigid material layer is taken as design index. 10 figs, 14 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-12-30