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Location algorithm of mobile warehouse in express demand region with high strength(PDF)


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Location algorithm of mobile warehouse in express demand region with high strength
JI Xiao-feng1 QIN Wen-wen1 JIAO Xin-long2 LIANG Fei-wen1
1. School of Transportation Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China; 2. School of Transportation and Logistics, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China
logistics engineering express demand region mobile warehouse set-covering problem meeting ant colony optimization
The characteristic of location problem for mobile warehouse in express demand region with high strength was studied. The minimum total construction scale of mobile warehouse was taken as objective function, the region demand and service ability of mobile warehouse were taken as constraint conditions, and the meeting ant colony optimization(MACO)based on the set-covering problem of multiple granularities was put out. The demand points were regard as virtual particles, and K-means algorithm was used to cluster the particles. The preparation points of mobile warehouse were got from the divided particles, and the example verification was carried out by using traditional ACO and MACO respectively. Calculation result indicates thatwhile traditional ACO is used, the computing time is 12.714 4 s, the optimal solution number is 13, the most poor solution number is 15, the average solution number is 13, and the correct rate of solution is 79%. While the proposed MACO is used, the computing time is 3.806 4 s, the optimal solution number is 12, the most poor solution number is 13, the average solution number is 12, the correct rate of solution is 98%, the construction number of location scheme for mobile warehouse is 12, and 10 preparation mobile warehouses are unnecessary. 4 tabs, 9 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-12-30