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Parametric inversion and settlement characteristic of subgrade in joint condition(PDF)


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Parametric inversion and settlement characteristic of subgrade in joint condition
HAN Ding1 TAN Hua2 HUANG Xiao-ming3 HU Hui-min4
1. School of Transportation Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China; 2. Guangxi Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Road Structure and Materials, Guangxi Transportation Research Institute, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China; 3. School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China; 4. School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China
road engineering joint subgrade Duncan-Chang model parameter sensibility differential settlement
The Duncan-Chang models for subgrade and soil were used, the maximum settlement of joint subgrade surface was chosen as an objective function, and the sensitivity functions and most sensitive parameters of the models were studied in the joint condition of subgrade. The detection data of settlement plates in actual engineering were used to inverse relevant parameters. Differential settlements of subgrade surface after laying pavement structure were calculated by using relevant parameters. Analysis result indicates that modulus index n is the most sensitive parameter for E-B model of subgrade, and the model is also obviously affected by modulus coefficient kE. Damage ratio Rf is the most sensitive parameter for E-B model of soil, and the model is also obviously affected by kE and n. Detection data of settlement plates buried on soil surface and embankment middle layer can be used to inverse the most sensitive parameters of the Duncan-Chang models. Calculated settlement curves of joint subgrade surface after construction have good comparability with actual measurement curves of similar engineering. The numerical simulation with inversion parameters can describe the settlement characteristics of subgrade in joint condition. 3 tabs, 10 figs, 14 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-12-30