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APG-TR algorithm of moving vehicle detection(PDF)


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APG-TR algorithm of moving vehicle detection
CHEN Tao1 TAN Hua-chun2 FENG Guang-dong2 WANG Zhen-yu3 WEI Lang1
1. Key Laboratory of Automotive Transportation Safety Technology of Ministry of Transport, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, Tampa 33620, Florida, USA
ITS vehicle detection high-dimensional structure tensor recovery APG-TR matrix recovery
In order to improve the accuracy of moving vehicle detection in intelligent transportation system, an accelerated proximal gradient-tensor recovery(APG-TR)algorithm was proposed based on tensor recovery. The traffic video image data were characterized by using tensor in the algorithm, which maintained the high-dimensional structure characteristic of video image. The lower rank part and sparse part in the tensor were effectively reconstructed by tensor recovery, and moving target vehicle and traffic background were separated, therefore the internal properties were easily extracted. The algorithm was tested by using 106 video images collected by traffic monitoring system. Test result shows that the average detection accuracies are 91.4% in fine days, 86.4% and 85.2% under rain and fog conditions respectively, which are more stable and accurate compared with the frame differential method. APG-TR algorithm is proved to have good convergence speed and robust, and has abroad application in the field of intelligent transportation. 3 figs, 18 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-08-30