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H robust control of multi-steering vehicle based on T-S fuzzy model(PDF)


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H robust control of multi-steering vehicle based on T-S fuzzy model
WANG Ji-hua12 WEI Min-xiang1 DU Yan-li12 LI Yu-fang1
1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China; 2. School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, Shandong, China
automobile engineering multi-steering vehicle T-S fuzzy theory nonlinear model fuzzy PDC method H robust control
To solve the control problem of multi-steering vehicle under the influences of model nonlinearity and all sorts of disturbances, tire nonlinearity and external disturbances were analyzed, and the nonlinear model of multi-steering vehicle with two degrees of freedom was established and converted into local linear T-S fuzzy model based on Takagi-Sugeno(T-S)fuzzy theory. Combining parallel distributed compensation method(PDC)with H robust control theory, the fuzzy PDC H robust controller of steering system was designed and solved by using linear matrix inequality(LMI)and fuzzy logic control(FLC)tools. With the disturbances of sine wave and step signal, when vehicle velocity was 80 km·h-1, the simulation experiments of front wheel steering returnability and front wheel steering with angle step input were carried out. Based on the dynamic responses of side slip angle and yaw rate, all overshoots are 0, and all times to reach steady values are within 0.06 s. In former experiment, the steady values of side slip angle and yaw rate are all 0. In latter experiment, the values are 0 and 1.2(°)·s-1 respectively, and the steady gain of yaw rate is 0.24 [(°)·s-1]·(°)-1. Simulation result indicates that high-speed multi-steering vehicle with fuzzy PDC H robust control can steer smoothly and rapidly, and the T-S fuzzy modeling method and the designing method of robust controller are effective to solve the problems of tire nonlinearity and external disturbances for multi-steering vehicle. 1 tab, 5 figs, 24 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-08-30