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Travel choice behavior based on regret theory view(PDF)


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Travel choice behavior based on regret theory view
XIANYU Jian-chuan1 JUAN Zhi-cai2 ZHU Tai-ying3
1. School of Business, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2. Institute of Transportation Studies, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200052, China; 3. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 200240, China
traffic planning travel mode random regret minimization random utility maximization partial compensatory decision-making compromise effect direct elasticity
Based on random regret minimization(RRM)theory and random utility maximization(RUM)theory, RRM-MNL model and RUM-MNL model were set up to research the choice behaviors of travel modes respectively. Aiming at RRM-MNL model and RUM-MNL model, the parameters and the goodnesses of fit were compared, their difference on the evaluation of traffic management measures was analyzed through direct elasticity, and practical verification was carried out based on four travel data such as aircraft, train, coach and car during intercity travel. Analysis result shows that compared with RUM-MNL model, in RRM-MNL model, the partial compensatory decision-making behavior and compromise effect during the choice process of multi-attribute method are described better, and the choice process of travel behavior can be reflected more really. The choice probabilities of wait time, travel time and travel cost on three travel methods such as aircraft, train and coach have significant elaticities. In RRM-MNL model, the elasticities of wait time for aircraft, train and coach all are lower than those in RUM-MNL model, and reduce by 7.30%,13.14% and 7.70% respectively. So, for the same attribute variable, while the traveler has different choice preferences, the different choice behaviors will be displayed. 4 tabs, 4 figs, 15 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-06-30