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Loading test and finite element analysis on convex steel box section of arch rib(PDF)


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Loading test and finite element analysis on convex steel box section of arch rib
WU Qing-xiong1 CHEN Kang-ming2 CHEN Bao-chun1 NAKAMURA S Z2
1. School of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, China; 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8521, Nagasaki, Japan
bridge engineering convex steel box section of arch rib scale-model experiment nonlinear finite element strength reduction coefficient local buckling
The convex steel box section of arch rib for Yongjiang Bridge in East Outer Ring Road of Ningbo City was taken as object, the 1/4 scale-model loading experiment of arch rib segment was conducted by using the self-balanced loading mode of prestressed steel strand. A finite element model was built based on shell and solid elements, and nonlinear analysis was carried out. The mechanical characteristic, actual bearing capacity and local instability mechanism of convex steel box section of arch rib were studied considering initial imperfections and local buckling. Analysis result shows that the measured stress of each measurement point is close to section average stress, and measurement points can be categorized into four kinds according to the relationship between measured stress and section average stress. The stresses from experiment and finite element analysis show the same tendency and similar value. The strength reduction coefficient of convex steel box section of arch rib is 0.94-0.98. The local buckling of stiffened plate can be prevented effectively by longitudinal stiffeners and diaphragms. Segment has wave shape under ultimate load, and fails to resist applied load due to the larger out-of-plate deformation of each stiffened plate. 1 tab, 18 figs, 12 refs.


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Last Update: 2012-06-30