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Transfer payment mode of financial fund for rural highway(PDF)


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Transfer payment mode of financial fund for rural highway
LI Li 12LIU Yan-na1XU Xing1
1.School of Economics and Management,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Automotive Transportation Safety Technology of Ministry of Transport, Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China
transportation economics rural highway financial fund transfer payment mode transportation demand financial ability efficiency and equality
The defects of current transfer payment mode of financial fund for rural highway were analyzed.The efficiency and the equality were taken as principles,the transportation demand and the financial ability were taken as objectives,and a new transfer payment mode was put out.The transportation demand and the standard traffic volume were confirmed,and the investment amount of rural highway was calculated.Based on the payment proportion of the higher government and the lower government and the financial ability of local government,the transfer payment amount of financial fund for rural highway was finally confirmed,and the differences of the two modes were compared by using the data of 11 country towns in Xianyang City obtained by using statistical analysis software SPSS.Research result shows that the correlation coefficients of subsidy amount rankings and financial ability rankings for the two modes are-0.755 and 0.309 respectively,and their saliencies are 0.007 and 0.355 respectively.When the relative approach degree of the two rankings is calculated by using the current mode,2 values are 0.50,4 values belong to [0.20,0.30),and 5 values are all less than 0.20.While 2 values of the relative approach degree computed by using the new mode are infinite,2 values are 1.00,2 values are 0.50,5 values belong to [0.20,0.30),and only 1 value is less than 0.20.Obviously,the new mode is rational and is consideration to efficiency and equality.


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Last Update: 2012-02-28