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Relation between accident rate and horizontal alignment for mountain highway(PDF)


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Relation between accident rate and horizontal alignment for mountain highway
GUO Ying-shi1FU Rui12YUAN Wei1LI Yu-liang1MA Yong1WANG Chang1
1.School of Automobile,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China;2.Key Laboratory of Automotive Transportation Safety Technology of Ministry of Transport,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China
traffic safety mountain highway horizontal alignment accident rate curvature change rate regression analysis least square method
The traffic accident data and horizontal alignment data of two mountain highways were collected,the curvature change rate was regarded as the characteristic parameter of horizontal alignment,the regression analysis between accident rate and curvature change rate on current sample section was carried out,and the average curvature change rates of those several calculation intervals were respectively calculated,which were 0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00 and 1.50 km upward of current sample section.The secondary treatment on the curvature change rate was carried out,and the relations between the accident rates and the curvature change rates were fitted by using least square method.Analysis result shows that the fitting determination coefficients between the accident rates and the curvature change rates on sections 1 and 2 are lower,are about 0.414 2 and 0.120 8 respectively.While on the calculation intervals that are 0.5 km upward of current sample sections,their positively secondary parabolic relations both are the most significantly,and the fitting determination coefficients are 0.966 1 and 0.790 8 respectively.While the average curvature change rate is about 0.002 0(°)·km-1,the accident rate is lowest.


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Last Update: 2012-02-28