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Calculation model of automobile braking distance on pavement with deicing salt(PDF)


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Calculation model of automobile braking distance on pavement with deicing salt
LI Zhi-pengPENG TaoWANG QianZHAN Chang-shu
School of Traffic,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,Heilongjiang,China
automobile engineering braking performance braking distance adhesion coefficient ice-snow-covered pavement deicing salt
The forces conditions of front and rear wheels during automobile braking process were analyzed,and a mathematical model of automobile braking distance and road adhesion coefficient was established.Braking tests on ice-snow-covered pavement and the pavement after using deicing salt were carried out,and the braking distances under different primary braking speeds were calculated by using MATLAB software.Test result shows that on ice-snow-covered pavement,when the primary braking speeds are 10.8,24.4,31.4 km·h-1 respectively,the braking distances are 2.959,18.378,26.264 m respectively.On the pavement after using deicing salt,when the primary braking speeds are 11.0,22.9,31.0 km·h-1 respectively,the braking distances are 2.430,13.766,18.860 m respectively.After using deicing salt,the adhesion coefficient of the pavement increases significantly,and the test braking distance decreases by 25%-28%,the simulation braking distance decreases by about 30% and is close to the test value.So the calculation model is feasible.


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Last Update: 2012-02-28